Getting up and running

Project configuration

Place a .indium.json file in the root folder of your JavaScript project. The project file can contain one or many configurations settings for NodeJS (see NodeJS configuration options) and Chrome/Chromium (see Chrome/Chromium configuration options).

Here is a minimalist .indium.json file.:

  "configurations": [
      "name": "Web project",
      "type": "chrome"

General configuration

The .indium.json file can contain as many configurations as needed, and mix any supported configuration types.

The currently supported type values are "chrome" and "node".

The root directory of the source files is by default set to the directory where this .indium.json file is placed, but it can be overridden with the root (or the webRoot alias) option:

  "configurations": [
      "type": "chrome",
      "root": "src"

Custom sourcemap path overrides can be set with sourceMapPathOverrides. See Using sourcemaps for more information on sourcemaps and debugging.

Chrome/Chromium configuration options

host:Host on which Chrome is running (defaults to "localhost").
port:Port on which Chrome is running (defaults to 9222).
url:Url to open when running indium-launch.

Example configuration:

  "configurations": [
      "name": "Web project",
      "type": "chrome",
      "host": "",
      "url": "",
      "port": 9222

NodeJS configuration options

program:Nodejs program to start a new process. The --inspect flag will be added automatically. Expected type: string.
args:Arguments passed to the program to debug. Expected type: string.
inspect-brk:Whether Indium should break at the first statement (false by default).
host:Host on which the Node inspector is listening (defaults to "localhost").
port:Port on which the Node inspector is listening (defaults to 9229).

Here is an example configuration for debugging Gulp tasks:

  "configurations": [
      "name": "Gulp",
      "type": "node",
      "program": "node",
      "args": "./node_modules/gulp/bin/gulp.js",
      "inspect-brk": true

When the NodeJS application runs on another computer (or inside a container like Docker), a custom remote project root path can be set with remoteRoot. See Setting a different remote root (NodeJS) for more information on script paths and debugging.

Starting Indium

Indium can be started in two modes:

  • Connect: M-x indium-connect Connect indium to a running runtime from one of the configurations in the .indium.json project file.
  • Launch: M-x indium-launch Start a JavaScript process (Chrome or NodeJS) as specified from the configurations in the .indium.json project file.

NodeJS requirements

Nodejs >= 8.x is required for Indium to work.

If your distribution ships an old version of NodeJS, you can install a more recent version using nvm:

$ curl -o- | bash

Once nvm is install, you can easily install and use the version of NodeJS you want:

$ nvm install v8
$ nvm alias default v8
$ node --version

If you install NodeJS using nvm, chances are that Emacs won’t have it in its exec path. A simple solution is to use the excellent exec-path-from-shell package.

Chrome/Chromium requirements

Chrome/Chromium >= 60.0 is required for Indium to properly work (debugging protocol v1.2).

When the variable indium-chrome-use-temporary-profile is non-nil (the default), M-x indium-launch will start a new instance of Chrome/Chromium with the remote debugging port set up.

Otherwise, you can start Chrome/Chromium with the --remote-debugging-port flag like the following:

chromium --remote-debugging-port=9222 https://localhost:3000

If you start Chrome manually, make sure that no instance of Chrome is already running, otherwise Chrome will simply open a new tab on the existing Chrome instance, and the remote-debugging-port will not be set.